Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Natural

Nothing was going to stop Roy Hobbs from fulfilling his boyhood dream of baseball superstardom. Robert Redford stars in this inspiring fable that begins when 14-year-old Hobbs (Redford) fashions a powerful bat from a fallen oak tree. He soon impresses major league scouts with his ability, fixing his extraordinary talent in the mind of sportswriter Max Mercy (Duvall), who eventually becomes instrumental in Hobbs' career. But a meeting with a mysterious woman shatters his dream. Years pass and an older Hobbs reappears as a rookie for the New York Knights. Overcoming physical pain and defying those who have a stake in seeing the Knights lose, Hobbs, with his boyhood bat, has his chance to lead the Knights to the pennant and to finally fulfill his dream.
Customer Review: Inferior version of classic baseball movie / Good documentaries
Some movies are better left untinkered with. The original film version of "The Natural" is a beloved sports masterpiece, no matter how muddled the opening scenes may appear. For some reason, Director Barry Levinson re-worked the entire opening sequence and created a completely different feel for the movie closer to his "original vision". For those who have never seen the original version, this version might be adequate. But being familiar with the original, this version comes across to me as a lame attempt to cash in on a 25th Anniversary Edition. Several classic, important shots and lines are scrubbed from the original and replaced with new footage, giving the movie a chopped-up feeling that never goes away. And the opening sequence is still not easy to follow. I would have been OK with this new version if it included the original as well, but instead you're forced to hang onto both versions for the time being. Watch them both and compare, but in the end you'll reach for the original version every time you're in the mood to watch this great baseball film about life's redemptions. One positive, the bonus disc provides excellent insight and footage into the making of this film, and is worth the price alone.
Customer Review: Great Movie!
This is definitely a movie you can enjoy as a couple, great story not only for baseball fans but also for the love story fans. I love this movie!

Have you ever heard of a term "It fits like a glove?" When you put your glove on, you'll find that the glove is usually snug; it fits the shape of the hands as if it was a natural extension of your body. Ideally, we'd wish everything could fit this way including new baseball gloves.

The problem with new baseball gloves is that they don't always fit perfectly, or, even, comfortably. Baseball gloves, straight from the store, tend to be stiff, making it hard to grab and get a proper grip. Since game play is dependent on your glove functioning well, it's in everyone's interest to get the gear in the best shape. So what are ways to soften gloves so they actually "fit like a glove?"

To break into your baseball glove, you need to soften the leather. There are many ways to soften leather. The most well-known way is to simply use it. But for players who want a soft and broken in baseball glove quickly, they'll have to look for oils and lotions. Everyday products include Vaseline, mink oil, saddle and even soap. But there are plenty of baseball glove oils that help soften and break in baseball gloves. Popular ones include Rawlings Glovolium and Easton Glove oil.

Once you decide on the lubricant, apply a small amount of the oil, lotion, or soap, to the glove with a soft cloth. Rub the agent slowly on the glove and lightly cover the entire surface. It's important to spread the agent evenly through the surface. If a spot has excessive oil, the section might stain. You can then leave the glove in a dry area. The glove should settle with the lubricant overnight.

There are things that you should not do to break in a glove. The first and foremost is to not soak it with water and microwave the glove. Some people feel that microwave could accelerate the softening process. This may be true, but the glove will deteriorate in no time. Also, you don't want to use shaving cream as a lot of places might suggest. The use of this product will drench the leather, which could cause some damage in the short run.

The pocket of the glove is another aspect that needs to be considered if we are to break in the glove. Since flexibility of the pocket is essential for catching, the glove must have pocket-like qualities. Newer gloves don't give you a natural sweet spot for catching balls. As such, you may want to put a softball in the glove and wrap the entire glove with rubber bands. You can do this every night when you place the glove away. Using this method will allow you to create a wedge-like opening in the glove.

Having a broken in glove will serve you well during baseball or softball games and practices. With these methods, you can apply easy-to-find products to soften the leather. Once broken in, the glove will feel like an extension of your body.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Gloves

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